TSP009 | Paul Grossinger – How To Make Your Pitch A Winner

Posted by John Livesay in podcast0 comments

TSP010 | Danny Cohen - Moneyball Is The Same Game As Getting A Funding Home Run
TSP008 | Scott McGregor - Rocket Ride to Funding

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Episode Summary

Paul Grossinger is an entrepreneur and angel investor and shares some key insights as to what makes a successful pitch. He truly believes practice makes perfect and tells the audience to always keep practicing no matter how many speeches you have given. He also tells future entrepreneurs not to push the investor too hard from the beginning. Investors need to build a relationship first before they will invest in you and your company.

Key Takeaways

  • 01:30 – How did Paul go from journalism to being an investor?
  • 05:24 – Paul pays attention to the team and why they’re a right fit for that company.
  • 10:20 – Paul likes to really get to know a company well before investing.
  • 16:00 – You have to be confident in your delivery when you’re pitching. Practice, practice, practice!
  • 22:40 – What are some common pitching mistakes startups make?
  • 27:20 – Paul doesn’t always like to go by the book, but recommends a few of his favorites which are Drive by Dan Pink and Purpose Economy by Aaron Hurts.


[Tweet “The most successful entrepreneurs we see are ones that have a deep understanding of their market.”][Tweet “Carve your own path”]
[Tweet “You have to have confidence in your delivery. You have to practice your pitch delivery at least 50-100 times.”]
[Tweet “There is no exception to practicing.”]

Links Mentioned

The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Drive by Daniel H. Pink
Purpose Economy by Aaron Hurst

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TSP010 | Danny Cohen - Moneyball Is The Same Game As Getting A Funding Home Run
TSP008 | Scott McGregor - Rocket Ride to Funding
Tags: entrepreneur, Paul Grossinger, pitch, successful pitch