The Magic Question: Unveiling Forensic Handwriting With Bart Baggett

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TSP 175 | Forensic Handwriting

Episode Summary:

Is it possible to get what you want in half the time? Forensic handwriting expert Bart Baggett dares you to ask the Magic Question: not only the ones we ask other people, but also the questions that we ask ourselves. They influence our beliefs, which influence our actions, and ultimately our success. Bart discusses a never-before-released 1 minute per day technique to manifest more love, happiness, and success. Even if you have studied Neuro-linguistic Programming before, this technique will surely open your mind to new perspectives. Is your desire to double your income, to get a promotion, to improve relationships, or to simply experience more joy on a daily basis? The answer is in your hands!

Bart Baggett is perhaps best known as the world’s #1 forensic handwriting expert who has been featured on CNN, Good Morning America, Today Show and over 1600 radio and TV shows. During his media rise, Bart started an advertising agency for authors and experts and spoke to sold-out audiences in Australia, Taiwan, India, and the USA on both self-improvement and marketing. He launched his latest book The Magic Question to #1 on Amazon with over 100 positive reviews in the first three days.

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The Magic Question: Unveiling Forensic Handwriting With Bart Baggett

I have my friend and guest, Bart Baggett. Bart is perhaps best known as the world’s number one forensic handwriting expert. He’s been featured on CNN, Good Morning America, The Today Show and literally over 1,600 radio and television shows. During his media rise, Bart started an advertising agency for authors and experts and spoke to sold out audiences around the world in Australia, Taiwan, India and on the US. His book is called The Magic Question and it went to number one with over 100 positive reviews in just three days. Bart, welcome to the show.

Thanks, John. Great to be here. I love what you’re doing.

I always like to ask people like you who have accomplished so much if they could take us back to their own story of origin. When you were a little boy, you became fascinated with handwriting or when you were in college, you figured this out. Nobody just gets born and becomes an expert in anything, let alone the world’s number one at anything. Let’s start there.

There are two stories that come to mind and I’m pretty sure you asked me a question about me at fourteen years old, a dorky little kid and insecure. I was going to summer camp with my dad and he turned to me and he goes, “Grab a piece of paper and write this sentence. I’m going to analyze your handwriting.” I said, “That’s ridiculous. You can’t do that. That’s stupid.” He goes, “I may be stupid but just write for me.” He looked at my writing and he told me things which I didn’t know about myself or didn’t want to admit things like low self-esteem, sensitive to criticism, self-conscious, care too much, well think and he said, “The good news is you can learn this.” I said, “I can’t learn that. That’s Dr. Walker. He’s a doctor.” He said, “No, take this book.”

Within about a week I had memorized 30 or 40 little traits from one of the books and that summer camp changed my life because I finally had empathy for other people. I finally understood why the bully acted the way he did. I understood that the arrogant girl was just insecure. It was amazing. In that summer camp, I ended up holding hands with the prettiest girl in summer camp, which was amazing for I was the dorky kid and I’ve got a trophy for best camper. I ended up being onstage analyzing the handwriting of the camp director and telling people he was disorganized.

In that one week, I went from irrelevant to significant. I had empathy, I was popular, and I had status all connected to this interesting skill called hand writing analysis. Fast forward from that moment, once I learned it, you can learn it in a year to the first time I did some radio interviews when I was in college, eighteen, nineteen. I was like, “They’re going to let me get on the radio?” I have all these emotions, significance with this interesting skill. Then I had to figure out how to make a business out of it. That is the second story is how do you turn the skillset, which is either entertainment, interesting, personal development? I’m like the Tony Robbins with handwriting analysis. That’s the kind of positioning for the first twenty years of my life. Now, I do a lot of other things as you know.

Empathy is such an undervalued or often forgotten skill. It is what makes anybody successful, in my opinion, because if you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes for whatever reason, you understand why the bully is the way he is or why someone’s not jumping to a yes quite yet because they’re afraid to make the wrong decision. It has nothing to do with you or what you’re offering. It gives you so much more patience and also focus.

Knowing you personally, that’s one of your strong skillsets in person is that you are magnetic and you teach other people how to be magnetic by this empathic characteristic that you have in space. I love hearing where it all came from. With handwriting, are there certain characteristics that people can do? Let’s say you are disorganized or you’re shy or whatever your challenge is. If I would cross my T dot my I, that would start impacting my personality. Is there anything that you can share that does help us?

Handwriting is nothing more than micromovements frozen on a piece of paper. Just like your eye movements, body language. All of us can know when a puppy is sad or the puppy is happy because you’re reading the body language. It is very simple and the same thing with human beings around the world. The movements and micro movements of the frown on the forehead. Those are all things we universally accept. The problem is a lot of people that claim to be handwriting experts are not. They’re idiots and there’s a lot of bad books out there. I understand that there’s an inherent skepticism because not everyone is as talented as me and Dr. Walker and that luckily, I learned a good path.

One of the things Dr. Walker told me, which I absolutely thought was the craziest idea I’d ever heard, is that if I cross my T bar higher, meaning at the top of the stem instead of the lower part of the stem in writing my name, I will become more successful. I thought that’s insane but the cost of doing it was nothing. If it doesn’t work, I’ve got to change handwriting but if it does work, what could I be in twenty years? I was fourteen, fifteen years old when he told me this. That conscious decision to raise my self-image brought consciously the awareness of how I was behaving and that helped.

TSP 175 | Forensic Handwriting

Forensic Handwriting: Affirmations don’t work, and I’m not saying that they’d never worked, but they go up against a core belief.

When I write your name, Bart, if I cross the T, the last letter and your first name, a little bit higher, that’s going to over time impact my self-esteem. Is that what you’re saying?

Yes, it impacts your thought processes, which makes you think, “I can do it.” My belief system switched and then eventually, if your thoughts change, your actions change too. I dramatically recall asking the prettiest girl out in school thinking I could be wealthy, all at fifteen, sixteen years old with no evidence board it. I wasn’t that good of a student. I wasn’t that physical. Teams pick me out last. I didn’t do kick ball.

There was no evidence that said I should be the world’s number one anything or that I could write ten books or I’m going to end up having my own radio show or tv show. There’s no evidence. The belief system changed. Part of it was the handwriting, part of it was just the journey of self-improvement and I’ve taken that message into my books and around the world.

People see this tool as an opportunity for transformation. What sets it apart is they go, “I can understand myself and I can reprogram my unconscious mind,” which is a message that everyone loves. They look at Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyers. It’s a shortcut to reprogram your unconscious mind and then people go, “That makes sense. I’m interested as opposed to some guy at the county fair that analyze your hand.” That’s not what we do, especially in the forensic stuff.

The short answer to that is yes, you can change your writing. It’s not the only methodology to change your belief systems, but it worked for me. It’s also even helped one of our friends, Sam Bata. He had a head-on car collision and he could not speak. I don’t know if you know this story but he basically couldn’t talk. I suggested that he try and write and he basically texted me, “I can’t write. I can’t even talk.” He took a pen and he started writing figure eights, which is the fluidity of thinking trait. You see that in all radio host and speakers, especially the echo ones and he said within 30 days, his ability to speak came back just from handwriting exercises.

Hand writing is a shortcut to change your belief system. Is that accurate?

Yes, it rewires your brain. Here’s a guy who couldn’t talk. Now, he can talk and it has to be because he jumpstarts the neuropathways in his brain. His hand was connected to his brain. That’s why brain writing and handwriting are the same thing. I know it works but how specific it works and how quickly it works depends on the individual.

In addition to crossing our Ts slightly higher than we normally will, you said something on underlining your own name twice when you write it or sign a card or something.

[bctt tweet=”Handwriting is a shortcut to change your belief system.” username=”John_Livesay”]

Underlining is a sign of self-reliance and leadership. When I was younger, I didn’t have any of that. I wanted to add to that. If you’re already in a position of leadership, you don’t necessarily have to do that. There are dozens of little things depending on where you are and where you want to be, what you could add or take away. Our certified handwriting experts are trained in this and so they end up being counselors and not everyone should do this and not everyone should do that.

Everyone should have a good self-esteem. The problem with that is if you raised everyone’s self-image, the relationships in the world would end in divorce because they married the person with low self-esteem. They can control her or him, now you raise the self-image, “I don’t take this crap anymore.” You can’t just blanketly change people. That’s a little more customized. The T bar is always a good place to start.

Within getting people on your team, which is a key factor in getting any kind of success, it’s who you work with and that’s what draws investors. They typically invest in the team first, on the idea second, the famous we invest in the jockey not the horse. Are there any things that people do to screen potential hires with looking at their handwriting?

It’s a useful tool. It’s becoming less useful because a lot of Millennials don’t write cursive and so around the world, you’re seeing a lot of kids don’t know how to write cursive, which is most of the research done in the 19th and 20th centuries on cursive. It’s still useful though. I can glance at a stack of applications and I know who’s going to be lazy, who’s going to be obstinate, who’s going to be stubborn, who’s going to be argumentative and you have to fit the person into the corporate culture.

If you’re doing an executive secretary, for example, you have to know the boss’ personality and if that boss is a real dominant woman, you don’t want to put another dominant woman as her assistant. It’s about compatibility. It’s like finding marriages and marriages can be complex but it’s useful. I’ve never hired anybody in the last twenty years without looking at the writing. Just to confirm either what I already think about them or to look for something hidden and when I have made hiring mistakes, I went back in the handwriting. I’m like, “It was there. I just love the person so much, I let it go.” Now, I’m sold on it.

How did you transition from being such an expert in forensic handwriting into helping create this marketing agency for authors and speakers to help them get more clients?

People are drawn to my story and they say, “You can make a great living selling handwriting analysis. How did you do that?” Of all the crazy skills and yet I’m on TV, I’m on CNN. I travel, I’ve got a school in Taiwan and India and I’ve got books in different languages. They look at that and say, “Teach me. How did you get that done?” I started working with authors and speakers to show them the map of how I integrated online marketing, radio, television, books and information products because even though I work with attorneys and do a lot of high profile cases, a lot of my revenue is from publishing. We write books and let the books and the courses make a transformational difference when I’m not there. That’s leverage.

I can be on a beach or scuba diving and people downloading books. That makes me happy because I’m now using leverage and so people want to know how to do that. I attracted a lot of people. The other thing that I did is we created a couple of different certification programs for who could duplicate my success. They say, “Bart, I’d like to be the number one handwriting expert in Bangalore, India or in Hyderabad or Jordan.”

I teach them how to position themselves so that they can be the Tony Robbins of their city and we teach them in handwriting and LPO stuff. It ended up having lots of students around the world in seventeen countries and they kept asking for marketing advice, so I ended up doing a marketing agency handling with the ad words. We ended up probably spending $800,000 in this one particular niche for forensic experts and we still manage their ad words accounts today.

We have something called the Perpetual Lead Machine and I don’t care what business you’re in, you’re constantly wanting new clients and it’s very similar to dating. Walk us through what those three steps are.

This is from a course I published called Perpetual Lead Machine, which is essentially using an online advertising platform like a downloadable book to start the customer journey, so people end up in a relationship with you. If you’re a dentist or you’re a surgeon or you’re an author or you’re a consultant, whatever you do, everybody has as a customer journey.

The metaphor for dating is such a perfect illustration. I’ve been doing these marketing mastermind calls every couple of weeks for four years and there are dozens of small little steps, whether it’s ad words or Instagram and it’s overwhelmingly confusing. It’s almost like, “How can I create a very simple chart that my clients understood what they’re working on?” If they’re working on a book, we’re going to have a book or a podcast.

They’re working on this thing, it’s going to fall into one of these three circles. In your head, just see three circles on the board. The first one is the meeting phase. You’re doing all this stuff so people can meet you and get noticed. Then the second one is the dating phase and the third one’s proposal. In those three circles, almost all marketing activities fall into one of those circles.

My experience is most of my clients didn’t know what they’re working on. Meaning they’re working on a book thinking they’re dating or they’re working on an article thinking that they’re dating but they don’t have the person’s email lists. It’s interesting getting clarity so you can say, “You don’t have the frontend of your funnel working, which means people aren’t connecting with you. How can you ever get married to them if you don’t connect with them?”

[bctt tweet=”Have a sense of timing when you ask for money.” username=”John_Livesay”]

Marriage proposal would be, “Let’s work together. John, here’s $1,000. Come speak.” Whatever that proposal is, it only comes after a proper customer journey. Just like marriage or proposal only comes after getting to know you and going on dates and before that they have to meet you. You and I can be a in the same room ten times. We may see each other but until we change phone numbers or addresses or Facebook, we’re not friends but we have familiarity with each other.

In my radio show, one of my clients paid somebody $2,500 to book her online radio shows. Her plan was to go on radio and send them all to Amazon to buy her book. That was her plan. When I showed her this chart, she’s like, “I’m going to do all this radio and not get one email address. That doesn’t sound very smart.” I said, “It doesn’t, if you want to continue dating them.”

What do you want then? Do you want $2 from an Amazon book or do you want to sell them at $5,000 transformational coaching package? People think that book or Amazon, all these things but if they fall into the right customer journey, then you can help move them along. An interesting thing is this is not necessarily a new concept but what’s different is the technology.

In 1920, it was newspapers. We read the newspaper. You had to do big print and direct mail, but it’s still the same. You have to get noticed, you have to connect with your customer. They have to get to know, like, and trust you. Then they speak with somebody, connect with them, and then they buy from you. This would work with a $10 book or a $100,000 consulting program.

Maybe you could tell us the biggest mistake you’ve seen in each circle. The meeting process, the pulling people in with some kind of lead magnet, whether it is a short book or a video that you do. What is it that you see with before people start working with you? Either they’re not doing it at all or the video is not giving valuable content. Is there some mistake that you see that people could avoid in the meeting circle?

A lot of entrepreneurs, especially new entrepreneurs, get branding and direct marketing confused. They say things like, “I want to get out there. I want to be known. I want to be famous.” They make these statements as if just having a TED Talk is somehow going to fill your pocket books with money. I flew to Luxembourg and did a TED Talk or TEDx Talk and it was a good use of my time but I have no illusion that that is going to make me money. That is a meeting thing, a TED Talk, a downloadable book, an article, YouTube videos. They’re all meeting. Here’s the deal. If they love that video and they don’t sign up for your newsletter, get into your Facebook, chat, reach out a phone number, you can’t date them again.

The biggest mistake is making this interesting content and not driving them into some lead capture mechanism where you can have permission to talk to them again. One of the beautiful things that happens in the last couple of years with very complicated technology is they can watch a video on Facebook or on my website. I can then go show those same people a video next week because they watched the first video with an email address. That’s something that Google and Facebook figured out with something called a pixel and it’s changed the game. Most of my clients are outside of America, India, and all over Asia.

In India, they’re very willing to put their phone number into a free opt in but in America, they don’t do it. America is very sophisticated. They’ve seen every kind of infomercial. They have sophisticated audiences. In different parts of the world, we can get phone numbers and addresses for $0.03, $0.04, $0.05 but at the US, it’s $1 to $10 to get a qualified lead. Therefore, the biggest mistake would be not getting a permission to stay in touch with them through an email, through WhatsApp, through ManyChat, something like that. That’s the biggest mistake.

We go on from the meet circle to the date circle and in real life. Most people know this. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve been on a date with that make this mistake, which is don’t talk about your ex on your first date with somebody. Have you not heard that? Have you not read that book? You’re monopolizing the whole day talking about how much you hate your ex. In the business context of dating, is there a mistake as big as that that you wanted to share with people not to do?

They need to think about a sequence. If someone agreed to go out with you for the first time and you’ve got three important things to tell them, let’s say you have three hours of stories about your life that you’ll probably get to, what is the first one? If the first story is about your ex, you won’t get a second and third date. Strategically think, “What’s my most interesting content?” One of the ways that I did it, because we’ve had the Handwriting University international brand for twenty years now, maybe 23. We took the last ten or fifteen years of newsletters, looked at all the open rates from hundreds of issues and we selected the five top rated headlines, open rate and click through rates.

I use data, I didn’t just guess to see what people care about. Those articles are like, “What are the five health traits? End of Relationships. Three ways to spot a liar, sexy headlines. Those are the first five dates. Whether I send an email, if I’m on a Facebook messenger, whether I’m repurposing videos through pixeling, all the things that an agency can do.

I want them to consume one of those five pieces of content because I know that if they consume that they’ll go, “This is interesting. This applies to me. I can use this in my personal life. This guy’s smart. I thought this was hocus pocus. This guy has a head on his shoulder.” Whatever that emotion or objections that you might get from taking them from, “I’m just kicking the tire. I read about this. It’s pretty cool,” to move in them in the proposal.

In the business world, we have a webinar called the Client Funnel Blueprint. The easy way to think about this and this has helped my clients understood because they look at me and go, “Bart, you’ve got twenty years of content, you’ve got 500 articles, you’ve got 50,000 visits a month. I can’t be you.” I’m like, “You know what’s interesting, you don’t have to.” You only need three pieces of content that’s interesting.

Get them to consume that and then get on the phone with them and ask them to work with you because people don’t need to spend eighteen hours with you to decide to work with you. They can watch one TED Talk and go, “I’ll hire that speaker.” That’s great, seventeen minutes, that’s done. The webinar is probably the best new invention in five years to turn a cold prospect with let’s say you just got the phone number, you sit down for dinner on the first date, one hour later, they know if they want to go to bed with you or not.

We go from the meet circle to the date circle to the proposed circle. The cliché of guy asking a girl to marry is down on the knee, wears the ring. Now, there’s so much pressure that this has to be such a magical moment, like New Year’s Eve and there’s better be fireworks and flowers and the ring is hidden in the food or something. Is there a mistake you see in the business world on the propose? Is it the people don’t even ask for the order or suddenly they go from teaching to selling and they become awkward? What’s the big thing that you see happening that people can avoid here?

There’s an inherent fear in asking for money, especially new entrepreneurs. The people that come through that love in LP or self-help or counseling, then you say you got to be a marketer. You do have inherent fear of asking for it. That is definitely an issue. The bigger issue is not the fear of asking. It’s that they don’t have a sense of timing. If they ask for the money too soon or too late, meaning that if you’re going on sixteen dates with somebody and they don’t kiss you yet and they’re not going to go into seventeenth date, they’re like, “This should have happened already.” If you’re getting all this free content and never asking for them to come to be a client, they’re just going to move on to somebody else who will because what they want is a higher level of connection with you and your company.

TSP 175 | Forensic Handwriting

If you’re a business owner, understand what state of business you’re in and where you need to invest your time and money.

High level of service. They’re consuming your content because they’re interested. They have a problem, they need solutions and then they want a higher level of solution. The first one is the most obvious is asking too soon. Here’s the biggest issue, especially with let’s say coaching consultants. If you don’t do the middle circle, and this is probably the biggest mistake I see with our author clients, is they think once you meet somebody, let’s say they downloaded the book, it went from meeting to hire me. They never think about, “What do I want to do in between the date? What do I want to do? What’s my best content? What are the articles?” All you need to do is take a few chapters in your book, make an article or video. Let them consume it.

When they finally talk to you or your staff, then they’re going to be ready. It’s a timing issue. For example, I pretty much won’t even take an appointment until they’ve consumed our Client Blueprint Webinar. Here’s the important thing is if they watched the whole webinar, which is only 60 minutes, it took me a long time to craft it, same thing with the other courses or programs, if they consume that, they know at the end of my phone call, I’m going to say, “If you’re a good fit, let’s work together.” There’s no awkwardness in it. They know this is a strategy session. If you’re a good fit and you already know what I do because you watched an hour of video. You know what funnel is, you know what our agency does. If I want to work with you, I’ll ask and you can say yes or no.

It’s completely transparent like five-date rule. If it’s the fifth date, you know what’s going to happen. They asked too soon or too early. Let’s say that someone calls your company and they’ve not looked at your website. You’ve got to spend twenty minutes giving them content on what it is and then you run out of time or energy to then ask for the close. What I do is I automate everything and that’s what we do as an agency is we say, “Let’s automate the meeting. Let’s automate the dating and then let’s automate the selling when possible. Low ticket items and under $100 and people can buy it.” If you’ve got a high-ticket offer, $5,000, $10,000, let’s get people on the phone with you after they consumed all this great content and they’re going to know, like and trust you already and then they’re likely to say yes.

I talk about being a copilot with your potential buyer and when they make the announcement that you’re landing when you’re flying from LA to New York, nobody suddenly says, “What? We’re landing?” You know that’s the expected announcement that’s going to come. What I hear you saying is when you have the right timing, the proposal is inevitable like a plane landing.

They know why you’re there. It’s not like you’re dating a married woman or married guy and that’s just awkward and like, “You want to go out with me?” You should let them know in the meeting and dating phase, “We offer this service.” It’s not a surprise that you offer this service, but if you’re giving away a $10 book and all you’re talking about the whole time is your $10 book and you say, “Let’s talk about my $20,000 coaching program,” it’s a big surprise because you spend all your time talking about your darn book.

Books are lead generators. Books are meeting and dating. If you use it for free, it’s meeting. Sometimes they can just download the book and they get to know you and Amazon. Sometimes it’s dating if they consume this content, but you’d be surprised how many people buy or download my books, they’ve never read them. That’s not just me, that’s everybody. They just don’t consume the material. A book is not leading to proposal but it’s one of the best things you can do to get on the radar of people and increase your credibility.

Your book, The Magic Question: How to Get What You Want in Half the Time, somebody would be smart to buy and read that. It begs the question, can you share with us what the magic question is or do you want people to buy the book?

I’ll give the book away if they’re so inclined to do that. I’ll tell you the secret to do that. The Magic Question is a 66-page book with one technique that I’ve used in my seminars for years on how to change your internal dialogue, ask a better question and you get better results. It’s one of my bestselling books ever and it’s literally one of the shortest books. If you’re interested in knowing how to retrain your brain, how to be optimistic, how to get your kids optimistic instead of negative, it’s a great read. You could definitely buy it on Amazon but here’s the secret. I’ll tie this into this customer journey and I’ll show you exactly what I’m doing, full transparency and why it makes me more money to give the book to your audience than it is for them to buy them.

It builds rapport, it builds reciprocity and you’ll get them for free. On the website,, which is my main website, it’s a collection of everything. You will see a cover of different books. If you click on the book of The Magic Question, it opens up a window you can download a free copy. The other books aren’t that way. It’s a secret little place on the page. Just download that, put your email address and then I get permission to be in touch with you and they voluntarily do that and you’re probably like what we’re going to send you. I’ll send you all this great content about changing your life. It’s not spammy and you’ll like that and if you don’t like it you can unsubscribe. You don’t have to spend money on the book.

That’s the free book funnel and we use that and we teach that in all our programs because there’s a perceived value to a book. That book does have perceived value. You can go to Amazon to buy it. You go to Audible. It was 300 reviews on my Audible. I was like, “That’s a lot of reviews for an Audible book. That’s amazing.” They’re like 4.0, 4.9. I felt blessed that I published a great book. It got to be a good book. I’d rather give it away for free and not take the $6 or $10 or whatever and commission is. I want the opportunity to have a relationship with people and I want to be able to connect with them again.

That helps me as a businessman. It helps the customer too because I know if they like The Magic Question, they’re going to love The Unstoppable You program. They’re going to like my other book called The Success Secrets of The Rich and Happy. If I’m in Taiwan or Singapore or USA and I do a seminar, they’re going to be the first ones to show up because they’ve listened to the book. It’s good for everybody and if I give that customer to Amazon or Audible, I can’t get in touch with them again.

One of the things that’s an open loop that’s intrigued me to want to read your book in more depth is RAS. It’s the one in the chapters six. Can you give us a hint on one of those or all three of those letters stand for that make us intrigue?

RAS is Reticular Activating System. In 2002, I wrote a whole chapter about this in my biggest book called The Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy. Then I’m visiting with John Assaraf who became a real close friend in 2000. I went to his first seminar and he was in the movie, The Secret. He did some great work about the brain and I literally was relearning the RAS from him as if I’d never heard it because I literally forgot that I wrote about it. It’s so crazy. How do you forget that you write something? The fact is if it’s such an important concept and I didn’t have it memorized, it was cool to relearn it. It’s part of the brain. I don’t know if it’s a physical part that you can touch, but it’s conceptual part that sorts information based on your beliefs and your values and your circumstances.

If you’re in danger, it’s going to sort information for an exit and it’s going to sort. One of the great exercises is look around the room and notice everything brown or black. If you’re driving, don’t do this at all. Notice everything is brown or black and then close your eyes and then I’m going to ask you to start talking about what you saw and show me everything that’s yellow. Then you’re like, “You didn’t ask for yellow. You asked for brown or black.” Because you were focused on that, your mind deleted everything that’s yellow. You’ll hear a room full of people just moan and these women are wearing yellow shirt and they don’t say yellow because they have their eyes closed.

[bctt tweet=”The questions we ask ourselves influence our beliefs, which influence our actions, and therefore our success.” username=”John_Livesay”]

They don’t know because they were looking for that. That’s your belief system. If you ask a better question, you’ll start looking for answers to the question of how can I have more love? How can I feel wealthy? How can I make my spouse feel love? You’ll start finding answers to what you need the most. What’s great about it is it doesn’t feel like work because it’s a question. Affirmations don’t always work and here’s why. I’m not saying that they’d never worked, but they go up against a core belief that says, “I’m not good looking. I’m not rich.” It’s like you’re saying, “I’m going to be a millionaire. I am so successful. I’m good looking,” and your unconscious mind goes, “No, you’re not. You’re a dork. You’re a fourteen-year-old kid.” The affirmations block up against a belief system and until you change your belief system, affirmations don’t work really well.

Questions don’t rub anything. They bypass all the places. They weave in an anagram, unconscious mind and say, “What if I could be a millionaire? What if I was really happy?” It just makes the presupposition that you can have what you’re asking for, like, “How good would it feel to drive a new car every year? How good would it feel?” It presumes that it does feel good. It presumes you can drive a new car every year and it presumes that you have the capacity and money to do it. All those presuppositions, seed, and hypnotize your brain to make stuff happen.

How good would it feel to have Bart Baggett as my guest on the Successful Pitch? I made it happen and I am thrilled. It was fantastic content. Incredibly entertaining. I’m going to start crossing my Ts a little higher and thank you for your generous gift to the audience. How else do you want to drive? Should people be following you on social media, any Twitter handles you want to share?

I’m on Instagram and Facebook, @BartBaggett and if you’re interested in the business model of this customer journey, go watch the webinar. I do it every week. It’s called That will help you, if you’re a business owner, understand what state of business you’re in and where you need to invest your time and money. If you want to work with me, that would be great. Just download and learn as much as you can about some of the things because technology changes fast but psychology and human beings don’t.

Thanks again for being such a great guest.

It’s been awesome. Thank you, John.

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John Livesay, The Pitch Whisperer


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Tags: Bart Baggett, Forensic Handwriting, John Livesay, The Magic Question, The Successful Pitch