Why The Pitch Whisperer’s Keynote Creates Revenue Rockstars

Posted by John Livesay in blog0 comments

From Invisible to Irresistible
How to Get More Green Lights

Today, business storytelling is more popular than ever! In fact, Rolling Stone magazine just wrote about 12 action steps to improve your business storytelling skills.

Many CEOs and VPs of marketing and sales are realizing their sales teams are drowning in a sea of sameness and are seen as a commodity because they just push out facts about “speeds and feeds” that are quickly forgotten.

Ever since INC Magazine called me “The Pitch Whisperer,” companies in tech and health care have been requesting to have me come in as a storytelling keynote speaker and give my keynote “Tell Stories Win Sales.”

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If you are looking for a storytelling keynote speaker who can solve these problems, then you have found the right one:

You are tired of coming in 2nd place: You make it to the final three and then when you pitch against competitors in a bake off or final round of interviews, you come in 2nd place way more often than you would like.

After hiring me as a storytelling keynote speaker, clients have won three new business pitches in a row. Why? Because whoever tells the best story gets the sale! If you’re not telling stories or your stories are confusing and endless, you’re not going to win.

You hate to feel pushy: Today, nobody wants to be “sold” to or feel pushed into making a decision.

When you learn how to tell a case story that pulls people in, you go from pushy to magnetic.

You feel like people forget what you said: Clients forget most of what you say after your pitch or presentation if it is filled with facts and data.

If you tell them a story that is clear, concise, and compelling, they not only remember it but also repeat it to others. When that happens, they become your brand ambassadors!

If you are ready to learn how to start telling stories that make you and your team revenue rockstars, then reach out to discuss having The Pitch Whisperer come to your next event as your next storytelling keynote speaker.

Book John Livesay aka The Pitch Whisperer

From Invisible to Irresistible
How to Get More Green Lights