What Do You Have In Common With Lady Gaga and Hugh Jackman?

Posted by Cristen Fitzpatrick in blog0 comments

Dancing Dots
How Badly Do You Want It?

While you may not be a famous singer or movie star, you have more in common with these two than you might think. Both of them put themselves out there in a big way! Both of them are very vulnerable on their social media posts. Both of them have been snubbed or criticized in ways that would devastate most of us.


If you never put yourself out there, the illusion you have created is that you will be safe and never get hurt.

In October of 2009, I was laid off from my job at Conde Nast during a time when the mortgage crisis was impacting many businesses’ sales. I realized I had to reinvent myself and learn how to go from selling print ads to selling digital ads. The Daily Beast was hiring, and I put everything I had into getting a job there including paying to fly myself to NY for an interview at a time when I did not have any money coming in. (I told them I was coming to New York to see friends so it would be great to get an interview since I’d be in town anyway.)

One of my friends asked me, “Why are you trying so hard after you just got laid off? Take the rest of the year off to lick your wounds. Won’t you feel horrible if you put yourself out there and don’t get the job?” My response was “I’d rather give it everything I’ve got and get a no rather than hold back from fear of rejection.”

We all have the decision to go for it and let the chips fall where they may without any attachment to the outcome. In this case, I did get the sales job at The Daily Beast. They told me they loved my passion and energy.

Now as a sales keynote speaker, I often get hired once the event planner has interviewed me and the other speakers they are considering because they say “We like your energy.”

Remember: People buy your energy! Money is just energy in action.  When you have a story of why you love what you are doing and can paint a picture of what the future will be like working with you, people want to go on a journey with you.

How did Lady Gaga put herself out there? The first step from going from being a singer to being an actress was her successful debut in A Star is Born. More recently, she starred in House of Gucci where she does not sing, and she was actively campaigning for an Oscar nomination for best actress. Despite getting early buzz and other acting award nominations, and being predicted to be nominated by the oddsmakers, she was “snubbed” by the Academy.

But instead of being bitter, her first social media post after the nominations was to congratulate her friend who was nominated for an Oscar in makeup and hairstyling. She then went on to say, “To all the nominees this year, congratulations on all your hard work, dedication, your nomination,” and she ended with, “your ability to tell amazing stories is a gift to the whole world.”

That is the type of energy to put out into the world.

If you put out bitter words or disappear out of anger or embarrassment, you are putting out a story that nobody wants to hear.

How did Hugh Jackman put himself out there? He agreed to star in The Music Man on Broadway and dedicated himself to learning how to tap dance. The show had so many obstacles with COVID causing it to shut down, and then both he and his co-star Sutton Foster got sick. Luckily for me, I was able to see Hugh Jackman in a preview performance on December 27, 2021, and nobody has more heart and energy when they are on stage. As they say in sports, he left it all on the field (or, in this case, on the stage).

On the night I saw The Music Man, Jackman performed with the understudy who filled in for Sutton Foster. He gave an emotional talk at the end of her first performance, and he sang her praises and those of all the understudies who allow shows to go on. The video of it went viral.

On December 28, Jackman announced he had COVID and the show closed for the next two weeks.  After both Jackman and Sutton recovered, they went back to performing in mid-January. On his Instagram posts, he was doing a countdown until the big opening night in February when critics would come.

The show was a huge hit, and many theatergoers bought tickets in advance. Still, Broadway shows typically rely on great reviews for ticket sales.

The reviews were mixed at best. Variety says “Hugh Jackman shines,” where the NY Times says “Even with Hugh Jackman, The Music Man Falls Flat.”

How do Hugh Jackman and his cast go out there the next night and not let the negative reviews cause their light to dim? In the same way, you can let go of others’ “negative reviews” or criticisms.

Use the 555 method found in my new book The Sale Is in the Tale.


What is the 555 method?


You think of yourself as the movie director of your own life. When you get rejected, feel disappointed, or even frustrated, you yell “CUT” in your head. You zoom out and ask yourself:

Will this matter in 5 minutes?
Will this matter in 5 hours?
Will this matter in 5 days?

If the answer is Yes, then 555 again! 

5 weeks?
5 months?
5 years?

The response to this new tool has been so rewarding to me as a sales keynote speaker who puts out new content as a leap of faith it will help people.

Here are some of the comments:

     Got A Problem? 555 it!

     Love the approach!!!! I just 555’d something this morning

     Would you keep your hand on a hot stove for more than a second? No! The pain is important for a second, then whoosh! Pull back! Use the 555 method

     I love this 555 method. It really doesn’t matter 5 hours from now….unless it is a BIG thing in your life. WE can’t give the little things so much energy.


Next time you get snubbed or get a negative review on your performance, do what Lady Gaga and Hugh Jackman did. Zoom out and don’t let others’ opinions of whether you are a star or not stop you from telling your story!

And if you are seeking a sales keynote speaker to teach your team how to tell stories that tug at the heartstrings so people who open their purse strings, reach out to me here.

Dancing Dots
How Badly Do You Want It?