How to Pitch Mark Cuban

Posted by John Livesay in blog0 comments

Land the Plane with Investors
John Livesay to Speak at LGBT Week NYC StartUp & Entreprenuer Conference

Here are valuable funding tips on how to pitch Mark Cuban or anyone else.

What he says he wants to see when you pitch him:

1) Don’t ask me questions be prepared to answer questions

2) What is your business about?

3) Show me you understand your business better than anyone else

4) Show me why your business is defensible to competition

5) Show me it can grow

Here is clip from “One of the best pitches on Shark Tank” -Mark Cuban

At 7:13 you see storytelling at its best

At 11:oo you see how to answer competition question.

If you want to pitch at this level to get funded, let’s set up a complimentary 15 minute Situational Snapshot Analysis phone call to see if and how I can help you.

[email protected]

Land the Plane with Investors
John Livesay to Speak at LGBT Week NYC StartUp & Entreprenuer Conference